A Secret*


I want to sit on as a secret story

on its own, sheltered as a lover

I want to speak more of what is convenient

I can always hide the last key

with which right to blow out the fire?

And what if it goes extinguished forever?

All the air we have will be not enough

All the air we have will be not enough.



Text: a poem by Maria Albertina Lomello

Music: Stefania Tarantino


Translation in English by Slow Words

[* in the original text, the poem was untitled, while the song has the title written in Neapolitan language]



To listen to Nu’ Segreto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVnuwuA_cK8

To buy Nu’ Segreto: https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/nu-segreto-lultima-chiave/456050040?i=456050198

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